Join the Rotary Club of Irvine
Is Rotary membership right for you?
Being a Rotarian is more than just attending meetings. It can be a life-transforming experience as you become part of a community of leaders seeking to address some of our world’s most serious challenges.

Is Rotary a good fit for you?
Consider what you can expect if you join Rotary:
Rotary clubs are organized by “Avenues of Service.” Each Avenue with its respective committees covers the key service areas of the club (Community, Vocational, Youth, International). You can expect to identify which Avenue fits your passions by serving on one or more committees or project teams each year.
When you join Rotary, you will receive a temporary membership badge and a Rotary Passport. You can expect to turn your temporary badge into a permanent badge by completing the activities in the Passport, which are designed to help you understand Rotary processes and connect with members.
You may hear that attending meetings every week is no longer required by Rotary International. However, this is only half of the story. Individual clubs are now free to set their own attendance expectations. You should attend at least 80% of meetings, and may be asked to attend at additional Rotary-related events per month (e.g., service projects, social events, leadership trainings, committee meetings). The more you attend such events, the more you will connect with others and develop strong Rotary friendships.
You can expect a financial obligation each year. There are modest quarterly dues for our Rotary Club, Rotary District, and Rotary International. There is also an application fee. Meal costs are not included in the above costs. Lastly, you can expect to make monetary donations to the Rotary Foundation and support fundraising efforts of the Irvine Rotary Foundation.
How will you benefit by joining Rotary?
A few ways Rotary benefits Rotarians:
- You benefit from making many, many lifetime friendships
- Your business will benefit as Rotarians want to do business with people that adhere to Rotary’s “4-Way Test.”
- You will benefit from personal development as you work on committees and take leadership roles
- You will benefit from knowing that you are part of a global community that seeks to solve the most difficult challenges around the world
If Rotary seems like a good fit with you, you will be joining 1.2 million other community leaders and civic minded people around the world who think the same. And if you do join and become an involved Rotarian, you will understand why so many become Rotarians for life.