Discover what’s possible when Rotarians create opportunities.

Nearly 800 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. Rotarians are passionate about providing sustainable solutions to poverty.

Our members and our foundation work to strengthen local entrepreneurs and community leaders in impoverished communities.

Rotary creates opportunities to help individuals and communities thrive financially and socially.

Rotary members train people to become resources for their community, offering networking activities, advice on new business development, and mathematics and financial management training.

Investment in growing local economies and reduce poverty last year
$ 0 M
People in the world living without enough food
0 M
of the world's poorest population depend on agriculture and related activiteis for their livelihood
0 %

Rotary Makes Economic Impact Worldwide

Breaking the cycle of poverty for women

Most of the women living in rural Guatemala do not have the collateral to get loans from regulated financial institutions. The Rotary Club of Guatemala de la Ermita helped 400 local women complete financial literacy courses so they could pool their money and fund their own microlending program.

Skills development, business training

Esmeraldas, Ecuador, Rotary members helped grant more than 250 microloans and train more than 270 community members in sewing, baking, plumbing, microcredit, business management, and leadership.

Sustainable farming

In west Cameroon, soil erosion and loss of soil fertility have significantly reduced farmers’ harvests. Rotarians gave farmers the skills they needed to improve soil fertility, control soil erosion, and market their produce. The results: increased crop yields and profits.

Economic Development & Vocational Projects of the Rotary Club of Irvine

With your help we can make a bigger impact locally and abroad.

$2,580 of $6,000 raised

Empower the Kids of Ghana

By giving the kids access to better resources to supplement their pursuit of education we are literally empowering them into securing the best possible futures…

$6,600 of $7,500 raised

Krista’s Climb for a Cause

Help me raise money for the underprivileged children of Nepal. Together we can make a change in the lives of children who are victims of…

$6,720 of $10,000 raised

Bose & HGS Children’s Sponsorship

We are raising money in conjunction with our contact center partner HGS to be donated to the Virlanie Foundation. Funds will be used to sponsor…

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